THE VINCENT PROJECT enabling carers to enjoy the arts


Welcome to Crossroads Care's Vincent Project! Every month there will be a new instalment of Vincent's fantastical graphic biography and a fresh poem of his released. Subscribe to get the latest episode of Vincent's doings in your inbox. Look out for offers of free tickets to arts events - or offer them yourself, if you are able.

Latest News

(10 May 2019) You can always head to the theatre? Don't worry about shows being too expensive for you. The Vincentproject is there for carers and their families... so first study the programmes at... more >
(20 Nov 2018) Thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing tickets for their brilliant new panto, Dick Whittington! Check out their great new Christmas show below... more >
(1 Dec 2017) Thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing panto tickets for some very grateful members of the audience! Check out their great new Christmas show JACK AND THE BEANSTALK below... more >
(11 Jul 2017) Thankyou to the lovely Eileen Forsey and all at Oxford Playhouse for providing access to the special relaxed performance of AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. Check out this brilliant show below... more >
(10 Jul 2017) Thankyou to Ciara McCafferty for providing tickets for Children of the Night at Oxford Playhouse! Check out the marvellous show below... more >
(19 May 2017) Thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing tickets for I Capture The Castle! Check out the show below... more >
(29 Mar 2017) A big thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing community tickets for La Strada! Check out their latest show below... more >
(1 Nov 2016) Thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing panto tickets once again! Check out their great new Christmas show CINDERELLA below... more >
(10 Dec 2014) Thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing panto tickets once again! Check out their great new Christmas show below... more >
(9 Sep 2014) The Schubert Project: 10 October - 1 November 2014 The Oxford Lieder Festival has an international reputation for presenting world-class song recitals in an intimate, welcoming and inspiring setting. The 2014 festival 'The Schubert Project' brings Schubert's Vienna to the heart of Oxford in a dazzling feast... more >
(16 Apr 2014) Have you ever wanted five minutes to say your piece? Whether it be about parking or politics, supermarkets or superpowers, benefits or Barack Obama; if you had just five minutes, what would you say? more >
(7 Mar 2014) Thankyou to Richard Lawrence for providing this great and enjoyable option... more >
(30 Nov 2013) Thankyou to Oxford Playhouse for providing panto tickets! Check out their great new Christmas show below... more >
(17 Sep 2013) A big thankyou to the Oxford Playhouse for providing special concessionary tickets for DAYTONA more >
(28 May 2013) A big thankyou to all the staff and customers of the Midcounties Co-ops in Oxfordshire who made our fundraising collection such a success!... more >
(22 Mar 2013) A thankyou to the Gielgud theatre for being so helpful in offering concessionary tickets for THE AUDIENCE... more >
(13 Dec 2012) We are pleased to offer tickets for Oxford Playhouse's brilliant panto DICK WITTINGTON at 2pm January 8th, 2013 for the bargain price of £10. Please ring 01865260280 for details, mentioning the Vincentfund.... more >
(17 Oct 2012) Kneehigh, the masters of magical storytelling, make a welcome return to the Playhouse this week. Steptoe and Son opened last night to great response... more >
(8 Oct 2012) Chelsea Theatre is once again putting on its brilliant and accessible SACRED festival - just click on the link below and let us know if there are any events that you would like to attend!... more >
(15 Jun 2012) A great fully accessible and free theatrical event in London this summer!... more >
(29 May 2012) Oxford Playhouse are running a really special project this summer which is taking theatre and general fun out to the Oxfordshire community in a colourful pop up tent. They already have some dates/locations in the diary but would really like to hit some more places, the following in... more >
(14 Mar 2012) Follow the Vincentfund on Twitter too! Just click on... more >
(15 Dec 2011) Thankyou to the Oxford Playhouse for very kindly providing tickets for five carers' families to see Peter Duncan's brilliant MOTHER GOOSE on the second of January 2012 - Merry Christmas!... more >
(14 Dec 2011) The Vincent fund and Oxfordshire Crossroads are delighted to offer free tickets for Mother Goose at The Oxford Playhouse in January. Please ring Ainsley on 01865-260280 for more details... more >
(19 Oct 2011) The Vincent Fund would like to say a big thankyou to the Reuben Foundation for their kind donation!... more >
(18 Oct 2011) Thanks to the generosity of Chelsea Theatre, the Vincentfund is proud to offer free and discounted tickets to carers and their disabled relatives and friends. See below for details, contact us... more >
(17 Oct 2011) The Vincentfund would like to say a big thankyou to the JP Getty Jr. Foundation for its very generous support.... more >
(1 Oct 2011) Thanks to the kindness of Oxford Playhouse the Vincent Fund is offering backstage tours. Come and see how a theatre works!... more >
(21 Aug 2011) The Vincentfund would like to thank Richard Lawrence of Hurst Street Studios for very kindly helping us to provide Summer printing workshops for young carers... more >
(5 Aug 2011) The Vincentfund is organising a Young Carers (under 14) event in the University City of Oxford for the October half-term holiday. The event will offer fitness, writing and drama workshops, and even a guided tour... more >
(15 Jun 2011) Why not head to the theatre? Don't worry about shows being too expensive for you. The Vincentfund offers for The Oxford Playhouse and the Chelsea Theatre are ongoing for carers and their families... so first study the programmes at... more >
(25 May 2011) SACRED In TRANSIT The celebrated SACRED season at Chelsea Theatre is moving... more >
(26 Apr 2011) The Vincentfund would like to say a big thankyou to Riverside Studios and to Oxford Playhouse for generously donating tickets to carers. Check out more of their terrific shows at and - and contact the Vincentfund if you would like to go!... more >
(4 Mar 2011) 1) From the Oxford Playhouse...please mention the Vincent Fund when booking! more >
(5 Dec 2010) Bea is an insightful & provocative new play about a woman in her 20s crippled with ME. We see her through the eyes of her mother & her carer Ray. She is lively, naughty & full of life. But Bea wants to die. And today, she’ll ask them both to help her... more >
(24 Nov 2010) Now available! THE OXFORD PLAYHOUSE have very kindly offered 4 £10 tickets (2 carers/2 wheelchair users or disabled) for the broadway hit MASTERCLASS (starring Stephanie Beacham!)... more >